Van Jones’ Green Collar Economy

by PJ Grube | February 13th, 2009

Restoring the Earth, Good Jobs & MLK’s Dream

Last night, Santa Cruz had the pleasure of hearing one of the more forward thinking activists of today, Van Jones.
He was the perfect choice as  featured speaker at the 25th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. memorial convocation. He brought a relevant motivational message praising past leaders, condemning the past administration and celebrating the election of Barack Obama.
His message spoke of change, echoing his own actions, and provided a formula for remaking politics, economy and the entire civilization.
He captured as a group, failed policies of consumption over production, debt over savings and destruction over sustainability as old ideas that will have to change.

Van soaking it all in at the World Economic Forum in 2005

He called for continued and increasing emphasis on wind, solar, geo-thermal energies, high performance buildings and organic agriculture for ‘Green Jobs.’
He rallies for the blending of social and environmental justice; building bridges between environmental, business, labor and civil rights groups.
Green jobs mean a society that doesn’t throw away resources, species, people, children or neighborhoods in the pursuit of profit.
He believes we live in a sacred place and left the standing room only crowd at the civic with the question, “In a hundred years from now, will we be seen as a locust or as honeybees?
About Van Jones
Van co-founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Justice
“Green Jobs, Not Jails” is the strategic concept underlying his Green-Collar Jobs Campaign.
Green For All

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